Oct 11, 2014


 KOCO / ERFURT / GERMANY (1921 - 1926)
The German KOCO  (= Koch & Co) was a cyclecar made in Erfurt / Thuringia from 1921 to 1926. 
The car was equipped with an aircooled opposed 2-cylinder engine. Later there was a watercooled engine.
To my knowlede there are still two cars in existence. One in the official VOLKSWAGEN museum in Wolfsburg, the other is in private hand. 
What you see is a stylised eagle:

v-shaped radiator emblem

4.8 cm x  7.5 cm

 1920 - 1926


backside with makers mark from W. JAKUBOWSKI  CHEMNITZ  SA. 

KOCO emblem with contemporary pictures

undated advertisement showing a KOCO with v -shaped radiator and two emblems

1921 advertisement showing the emblem only, not the car !

description of the KOCO (AAZ 1921 )

contemporary illustration of the 1925 KOCO

1921 advertisement showing two different types of  KOCO

This interesting list of  German cars appeared in 1923. The KOCO is in the middle row on the far right :

However, the name KOCO was not spelled correctly here. KOKO instead of KOCO

For more  car emblems see older posts or top right  (list of car makers).
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