Feb 4, 2017


HAWA / Hannover / Germany  ( 1923 - 1925 )

The German HAWA  ( abbreviation for Hannoversche Wagonfabrik ) was very successful in the railway carriages and wagon branche before they started an automobile division in 1923.
They saw the future in a small electric car for two persons only. The car had a central light instead of the radiator. Well, they had been 95 years to early.

9.3 x 6.3 cm
Year1923- 1925

Original without makers mark. But pay attention, there is a cheap repro with flat backside !

small ad in a News Paper

if you look closer you can see the emblem on top of the radiator

contemporary photo of a HAWA electric automobil

on top: HAWA commercial version.  Down:  passenger coach


1924 photo showing a HAWA with front emblem ( registered in Provinz Brandenburg)

1924 advertisment for HAWA and other automobiles showing the emblem (down right)

For more  emblems see older posts or top right ( list of car makers ).

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