Mar 29, 2020



Like many armaments factories the MAUSER Werke AG had to turn to new products after WWI.
They started with a very unusual car, called Einspurauto ( single lane car ).
It was a three seater with two passengers behind the driver and two small retractable wheels at the side for starting and stopping ( what a crazy idea ). This car had  no emblem. From 1927 to 1929 the WINKLER Company of  Oberndorf  produced the single trace car in licence. Now there was an emblem:

Size8.3 cm
Year1927 - 1929

MAUSER Einspurauto ( licence WINKLER ) seen in the museum ZÜNDMAGNET / Wurzen / Germany

MAUSER / WINKLER Einspurwagen dashboard plate

1925 advertisment

In 1923 MAUSER brought out a conventional 4 - wheeled car with 4 brakes and a 4-cylinder engine but it was sold in small numbers only.

the target circle on the  emblem as a symbol for the arms industry

Size6.9 cm x 7.2 cm
Year1923 - 1927

In four years there were two slightly different emblems. Instead of the target circle here you see the ironsight of a pistol ( made by Mauser ):

1927 advertisement showing the automobile and the emblem with ironsight

1924 advertisement for both vehicles

contemporary description of the MAUSER privat car

1924 MAUSER brochure

the car emblem design with the target was patented in 1926

photo from the 1926 Automobil Exposition

For more emblems see older posts or top right ( list of car makers ).
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