Feb 14, 2020

B.F.A. ( Bolle Fiedler ) Germany

The BOLLE and FIEDLER Automobilbau  G.m.b.H from Germany is unknown to most prewar-car enthusiasts..
In the Beaulieu Encyclopedia you´ll find just three lines  about the company´s history, even under an incorrect name.  B.F.  instead of B.F.A. - and no picture is shown. The same applies to Nick Georgano´s "Complete Encyclopedia of Motorcars".
The 2019 edition of Werner Oswalds´s standard reference "Deutsche Autos 1920 - 1945" at least provides a photo and some basic information. On the internet - believed by many to be omniscient - alomost nothing is available on B.F.A. .
So, when I found an emblem with the three letters B.F.A.,  I couldn´t be sure that it once belonged to a same-named  car.
Several years  later, however, I happened to come across a dozen of contemporary pictures showing B.F.A. motorcars which enabled me to outline the history of this obscure yet fascinating car manufacturer. Here is the source of the following black/white fotos: Deutsches Technikmuseum, Historisches Archiv: Signatur VI.2 - E365

ultra rare B.F.A. radiator emblem
Size 5.0 cm
Year1922 - 1925


The following photo shows the B.F.A. "factory" with  4 mechanics and the two owners Mr. Bolle and Mr. Fiedler. On the sign above the left door it says: " B.F. Automobilbau G.m.b.H " in the last line.

Factory in Berlin - Charlottenburg,  Morsestr. 18. (photo: Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Foto: Historisches Archiv )

Shortly after its formation, the BOLLE - FIEDLER company built  a race car which participated in the famous AVUS race in Berlin in 1923. Here it can be seen waiting at the starting line.
B.F.A. at the starting line on the occasion of the 1923 AVUS race ( photo: Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Foto: Historisches Archiv )

The next photo shows the start of the AVUS race in  autumn 1923.  The car on  the far  left is  an OMIKRON  race car and the  second from the right is  the B.F.A. racer:

photo : Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Foto: Historisches Archiv

 B.F.A. employed a self-designed  3-cylinder two stroke engine. The lettering B.F.A. is clearly visible on the engine block ! ( photo: Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Foto: Historisches Archiv )

The next photo shows a B.F.A. race car at full speed on the occasion of the 1924 AVUS race:
photo : Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Foto: Historisches Archiv

The last picture is a particulary important document, since it shows the only B.F.A. car ever made for use  on ordinary roads:

This one-off was registered in Berlin in 1923 ( photo : Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Historisches Archiv )

In the enlarged section, the unique radiator emblem is clearly visible. Als see the following photomontage:

Last but not least, there is another photo showing the dashing lines of this unique two-seater cabriolet:
photo: Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Foto: Historisches Archiv

Only four  cars were built. Here you see number 4. (photo: Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Foto: Historisches Archiv )

Three race cars and one car for use on ordinairy roads- that comes to a total production of just 4 cars. As the B.F.A.  emblem from my collection is clearly a vintage piece and shows traces of solder it is highly likely  that it once adorned the radiator of one of  these 4 cars !

If you want to learn more about Carl Bolle go to the website:  https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Bolle(Flieger)

Emblem made by A.STÜBBE / BERLIN

B.F.A. was a short-lived company like many others in the 1920s: the "factory" in the photo below was in use only from autumn 1922 till autumn 1925.

photo: Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Foto: Historisches Archiv

But this was not the end of the factory. I found an advertisement in which one could read that electric boat engines were now offered by Fiedler alone; apparently Carl Bolle had left the company at that time.
Mysterious picture of the engine showing an internal combustion engine and not an electric motor. Besides, on the engine block you can still find the old company name: BFA
For more emblems see older posts or top right ( list of car makers ).
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  1. Unbelievable! I once tried to find any useful information too, but not successful. You have to dig really deep to find unpublished material like this. Still cannot believe to see the emblem on the photos. Very stunning.

    Automotive archaeology at its best!
    Automotive archaeology at its best!

  2. another comment:
    Allein die wenigen Fotos auf Ihrer Homepage eröffenen mir einen großen Blick in die Röhr-Geschichte. Speziell die Fotos der Rennwagen und des AVUS Kleinwagenrennens vom 30. September 1923 machen einen erweiterten Blick in die Berliner- und auch die hessische Automobilgeschichte möglich. Sie haben mit Ihrer Aktivität einen weiteren verschütteten Baustein der Automobilgeschichte wiederentdeckt und gerade das macht unsere Arbeit an der Spitze des Eisberges Technikgeschichte mehr als wichtig!
    Weiter so in Verbundenheit und gemeinsamen Bestreben.

    Werner Schollenberger

  3. Interessante Seite. Zum Fiedler Motor ist zu bemerken dass er als "elektrisch umsteuerbar" angepriesen wird was auch richtig ist. 2 Takt Motoren können nach beiden Seiten laufen. Wenn der Motor also abgestellt wir und durch den Starter auf die andere Seite angedreht wird läuft er rückwärts bis wieder abgestellt wird und in eine andere Drehrichtung angeworfen wird.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Thomas Billicsich

  4. Guter Hinweis. Insoweit ist die Anzeige lediglich grammatisch falsch geschrieben, weil da mit Komma getrennt, steht: elektrische, umsteuerbare...Motor. Richtigerweise hätte also ohne Komma : elektrisch umsteuerbar..... geschrieben werden müssen.

  5. It's fascinating how this obscure company left such an interesting legacy.
